Wesley Night
Wesley Night will return on Wednesday, January 15!
Wesley Night is a time for all ages to come together for dinner, deepening of friendships, and drawing closer to the Lord through music, study, and prayer. We begin with dinner followed by activities for kids, youth, and adults.
Keep scrolling to learn more about Wesley Night programs, as well as dinner reservations!
6:00-7:00pm – Dinner – McAdams Fellowship Hall (make your reservation below)
6:00-6:30pm – Music Milestones (PreK & K) – Room 302
6:00-6:30pm – Gym time for 1st-6th graders – Gym
6:30-8:00pm – Youth Jam and Hangout – Youth Center
6:30-7:00pm – Gym time for age 3-K (bring a trusted adult with you!)
7:00-8:00pm – Joyful Song (1st-3rd grade) – Room 306
7:00-8:00pm – Wesleyan Choir (4th-6th) – Room 302
7:00-8:00pm – Adult Study (see below)
7:00-8:00pm – Women’s Prayer Group (see below)
8:00-9:00pm – The Bells of St. Paul Handbell Ensemble – Room 303
The meal takes place at 6:00pm in McAdams Fellowship Hall. Please register by Tuesday at 1:00pm, using the form below.
ADULT Groups
Navigating the Anxious Generation, beginning January 15. For all concerned about media and the epidemic of anxiety and mental illness.
What should child, adolescent, & adult development look like?
Why are kids (and adults) so anxious in the age of social media?
How are brains rewired by phones & social media?
Let’s look at four foundational harms:
- social deprivation
- sleep deprivation
- addiction
- attention fragmentation
How do social media & phones affect girls versus boys?
What is spiritual and psychological damage from social media?
What can parents, friends, support systems do?
Taught by Gail Henson, Bellarmine Professor Emerita
Women’s Prayer Group
Beginning January 15, a Women’s Prayer Group will be offered during Wesley Night. We will gather in the Parlor from 7-8pm. The hour will be begin with scripture and be devoted to praying for and with each other. All women are welcome.
Children’s choirs for kids age 3 through 6th grade will provide kids with music training, a solid foundation to equip them to enjoy music for a lifetime, and provide them with their place in St. Paul as worship leaders. Talk to your kids about joining a choir this year. Led by Karla Temple, Associate Director of Music Ministries.
Music Milestones (Ages 3-Kindergarten) | 6:00-6:30pm | Room 302
Joyful Song Choir (1st-3rd Grade) | 7:00-7:45pm | Room 306
Wesleyan Choir (4th-6th Grade) | 7:00-8:00pm | Room 302
Gym Time
Grades 1-6 | 6:00-6:30pm | Gym
Kindergarten and younger | 6:30-7:00pm (must be accompanied by a trusted adult)
Childcare is available for ages 5 and under from 6:30-8:00 PM, as well as for grades 1-3 (Joyful Song Choir) after choir if children need to stay until 8:00 because of parents or siblings being involved in other Wesley Night Activities.
6:30-8:00pm | Youth Center
For students in grades 7-12.