

St. Paul Church Parking

Our church is a bit “land locked,” as we are located in a thriving residential/commercial area. But we have a lot of off-street parking behind the church buildings. The entrance of this lot is off of Douglass Boulevard.

Additional Spaces
In addition to our Douglass Boulevard parking lot, we have hundreds of parking spaces in the alley adjacent to our building. From the Douglass Boulevard parking lot, drive under the overpass and turn left into the alley. There is one St. Paul parking lot on your left and five parking lots on your right.

On-Street Parking 
Located on Douglass Blvd, immediately before arriving at the Main Parking Lot from Bardstown Rd, there is dedicated on-street parking. On Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings, these spaces are reserved for visitors and older members.

You can find handicapped-accessible parking as you turn off of Douglass Boulevard into the Douglass Bouleavrd parking lot (between St. Paul’s main building and Family Life Center). Our main church building has two elevators. We provide hearing aids in the sanctuary for the hearing impaired in our traditional service. All services are wheelchair accessible.