Energized, Spirit-filled, unity, hopeful, renewal… These are just a few words from the 40+ church members that participated in the Vision Summit in March 2021. Church members filled out surveys in advance, gathered together on numerous Zoom calls, and discerned where God is calling St. Paul UMC. It was an insightful process in which participants dreamed about the future of their church while also wrestling with some tough issues.
The end result was this powerful mission statement:
St. Paul UMC is a welcoming congregation that mirrors the love of Christ and the good news of the Gospel through service to all.
Participants also named the core values for their congregation: loving and compassionate, faithful and authentic, and welcoming and inclusive.
The Strategic Renovation Team took the ideas from the survey and Vision Summit and developed them into ten goals for St. Paul to be accomplished over the next three years. A Vision Team was formed consisting of ten members to help facilitate the efforts of staff and ministry teams working in these areas. Each member has taken responsibility for one goal.
Following is a list of each of these ten goals, the member of the Vision Team with responsibility for that goal and their email addresses. Feel free to reach out to any of the Vision Team members if you have any questions or suggestions.
- Vision Team Organization. Implement a plan to ensure the Vision Team assumes ownership of St. Paul’s Vision over the next three years. Member: Ed Henson: edhenson1@bellsouth.net
- Align Church Staffing. Work with staff and ministry teams to ensure church staffing is structured to execute the church’s vision, priorities, and goals. Members: Carrie Burns: carrieburns@bellsouth.net and Graeme Donovan: donovangraeme@gmail.com.
- White House. Make a decision on the future of the white house and implement that decision. Read more about this goal in the April 2022 issue of the Tower. Member: Jason Ramsey: jdramsey321@ gmail.com.
- Senior Adults Ministry. Re-establish and implement a seniors ministry to better incorporate and support senior adults. Member: Jon Fleshman: dettofranoi@yahoo.com.
- Diversity Ministry (originally Coke Memorial Partnership). This goal has evolved from an original focus on our partnership with Coke Memorial United Methodist Church (to build a collaborative ministry – discipleship, fellowship, mission, justice, etc.) to an expanded focus that includes Refugee Ministry and Habitat for Humanity work. Member: Graeme Donovan: donovangraeme@gmail.com.
Read more about the evolution of this goal in the June 2022 issue of the Tower. - Resource Center. Develop the St. Paul Resource Center to be operating and staffed by volunteers and a dedicated staff person and serve 300 people monthly within three years. Member: Anna Twyman: atwyman34@ gmail.com.
Read more about this goal in the May 2022 issue of the Tower. - Volunteer Involvement. By the end of 2023 have 300 people in our congregation involved in one of St. Paul’s ministries. Develop the attitude that “Every member has a ministry.” Track this participation using our church’s software. Member: Gail Henson: grhenson@gmail.com.
Read more about this goal in the April 2022 issue of the Tower. - Small Group Worship. Goal is within 3 years to have 75% of our average worship attendance participate in a recurring activity outside of worship (including small groups, Sunday School classes, Bible studies, etc.) at least on a quarterly basis. Member: John Smithers: jsmithers369@gmail.com.
- Young Adults Ministry. Develop our ministry to young adults and college-age adults, with the three-year goal of having 75 people participating annually in our young adult ministry and 30 people participating in a college-age ministry.
- Family / Children / Youth Ministry. Continue to develop our family ministry, providing resources to equip, support, and encourage families in the community to grow together in Christ. The goal would be to have 75 members participating by the end of 2023. Member: Allison Olsen: suomeibraid@hotmail.com
While many of these goals have specific number goals, the main focus is for the church to strive to develop vibrant ministries in each of these areas.
St. Paul has faced several challenges in recent years and has challenges in front of us, but never underestimate the power of the Holy Spirit to continue to bring us together and move us forward for God’s purpose and to reflect God’s love.
Again, don’t hesitate to reach out to any member of the Vision Team with any thoughts, questions or suggestions you might have.
Ed Henson, Vision Team Chair, edhenson1@bellsouth.net