One-Service Sunday and Church Picnic
Sunday, June 23
Worship at 10:00am (sanctuary); Picnic at 11:00am
Please join us on Sunday, June 23 for food, fun, fellowship, and to celebrate and show our appreciation for Dustin, Emily, Wesley, Maxwell, Thomas, Jonathan, and Rosemary Woods. We will have a bounce house, bubble machine, corn hole, and other activities for all ages.
There is a great deal of work to be done to prepare food and spaces. Please sign up to help cook, prepare a dessert, set up, or clean up. Listed below are volunteer opportunities. A sign-up poster will be available each Sunday in the reception areas. You may also email to indicate how you would like to help.
I. Help Cook in McAdams Kitchen
Friday, June 21: 2:30-5:30pm
Saturday, June 22: 9:00am-12:00pm or 1:30-4:30pm
II. Set-up
Saturday, June 22 (McAdams and room 113) 1:00–3:00pm
Food set-up: Sunday, June 23: 8:30-9:45
III. Clean-up
Sunday, June 23: 12:30 until done
IV. Prepare a dessert.
Note: Desserts must be delivered to McAdams kitchen by 9:00am, Sunday, June 23.
Love Offering for the Woods Family
To show our appreciation for the ministry of Dustin and Emily Woods, we would like to collect a Love Offering. If you would like to participate, please mail or drop off a check, made out to St. Paul UMC, or give online (choose “Love Offering” from the Funds drop-down).
Card Shower
We would also like to shower the Woods family with cards. Please bring a card to the picnic to express your love and appreciation for their time at St. Paul!