Christmas Stockings

Christmas Stockings

All of the stockings for 2023 have been claimed! Thank you for your generosity! If you claimed a stocking, please have it to the church no later than Monday, December 11.

The Waller-Williams Environmental School is a public school for students in grades K-12 with severe emotional or behavioral special needs. Many of these kids have experienced trauma and need a lot of love, and St. Paul is honored to have the opportunity to share our love and compassion with these kids each year. We’ve just completed our Thanksgiving Box project for Waller-Williams, and now we turn to Christmas!

Last year’s Christmas stockings were a huge hit with the students at Waller-Williams, as you can see from some of the quotes on this page! So St. Paul is going to offer some Christmas cheer again this year! 

“The whole thing was amazing!”

Please choose a stocking from the bulletin board outside McAdams Hall or in the gym, buy a Christmas stocking, fill it with goodies, label it with the Student Number (so we can get it to the right kid), then drop it off at St. Paul by Monday, December 3! Bring your stocking to the Advent Service at 6:30pm on December 3 and place it under the Christmas tree!

Or you can stop by during office hours (Monday-Thursday, 10am-2pm) or bring it on Sunday mornings. If you need us to pick up your stocking, email

If you are not able to do the shopping yourself, you may choose a child and donate money, and we’ll shop for you! You can write a check or donate online at the secure church website Giving page, and put the Student Number in the notes so we shop for the right student.

“I loved the earbuds I got from my stocking!” 

You can use the child’s list of “favorites” to guide you in selecting items for the stocking. You are not expected to buy all the things the child has listed; that’s just a guide to give you some hints about the types of things that would put a smile on their faces when they receive the stocking! 

We don’t expect anyone to spend more than $25 on a stocking. We would love for each stocking to be filled to the brim, so if you buy gift cards, please add some candy or other small goodies to fill it up! Thank you for your generosity in making Christmas special for the kids at the Waller-Williams school!

“I loved the candy in my stocking, especially the big KitKats!”

• DROP OFF items at St. Paul – Mondays or Wednesdays, 10:00am-1:00pm or on Sunday mornings. Deadline for drop-off is Monday, December 3.