Star Words
Star Word: Pardon
Pardon For the past two years, I’ve been given a star word for Epiphany, courtesy of my friend Marci, a Presbyterian minister who practices the tradition with her congregation in Boise, Idaho. My star word for 2016 was pardon – not a word, I confess, that intuitively had resonance with me. I started off thinking about what I’ve done wrong – some of the (many, daily) things for which I might want and need to seek pardon. I thought of some biblical…
by Anna McMahon, Student When 2017 began and I received my star word, ‘newness’, I wondered what it could mean. How would God reveal this word to me and use it in my life? New school? New friends? I was relatively new to committing my life to Jesus, maybe that’s it, I thought. When talk about a youth mission trip, the Fusion tour, began, I was interested but dissuaded myself from signing up because my fears got in the way.…
Star Words: A Year to Ponder the Gift of God’s Word
by Cullen Hornaday Director of Spiritual Formation Last year we began the practice of offering everyone a Star Word on the first Sunday of January and again this year on Epiphany Sunday, January 7, everyone at St Paul will receive a new star word. (If you miss that Sunday you can pick up your star word at the Information Center. Also, feel free to pick up and share star words with family and friends who don’t attend St Paul.) The…
Star Word: Plan
Star Word: Plan by Carl Helmich, St. Paul Member Christians have a glorious inheritance in the faith passed down to us, but we still have to discover it for ourselves before we can truly possess it and pass it on. We believe that God has chosen every one of us−for service, not privilege. God has a plan or purpose for each of us to fulfill, and he will work with us if we give him our cooperation. Several moral and…