Life on the Streets

Life on the Streets

Life on the Streets:
Building Awareness; Finding Solutions

Sundays, January 19–February 9
10:00am in McAdams Hall

Have you ever seen someone panhandling or sleeping on the street and thought:

How did he end up that way?
She should get a job.
Why would anyone choose to live that way?
Why don’t they go to a shelter?
I bet he’s on drugs.
Should I try to help – how?
Could that happen to me or someone I love?
Why am I seeing so many homeless people these days?
Why doesn’t someone do something about this problem?

If you have ever had these or similar thoughts (and that is likely everyone), then this series is for you!

Join us as we hear from those working to support our unsheltered neighbors and advocate for solutions to end the epidemic of homelessness in Louisville and the nation. 

During the four Sunday morning sessions, we will learn about:

  • homelessness in Louisville and how we got here
  • myths vs. truth
  • the realities of living on the streets
  • how we are called to respond as Christians and as Methodists
  • obstacles, solutions, and advocacy in the effort to end homelessness
  • and much more

This program is free and open to all!

Notes from each session will be shared below, as available.

Participating organizations:

Coalition for the Homeless
Louisville Outreach for the Unsheltered
Open Door Community Ministry
St. Paul Resource Center

Session 1 – Coalition for the Homeless
Marcus Stubbs, Community Engagement Manager

You may view the presentation slides here.

Session 2 – Louisville Outreach for the Unsheltered (L.O.U)
David Smillie, Executive Director

You may view the presentation slides here.