One Service and Potluck

One Service and Potluck

One-Service Sunday and Church Potluck

September 29
Worship at 10:00am – Sanctuary
Potluck after worship – McAdams Hall

Main entrée will be provided.

Attendees will be asked to bring side dishes, salads, and desserts. Sign-up opportunities will be provided starting on Sunday, September 15. If you are not able to sign up in person, you may call the church office at 459-1595.

We will kick off the stewardship season by:

  • hearing from the Waller-Williams School staff,
  • sharing in fellowship and food at the potluck,
  • making 150 sack lunches for Louisville Outreach for the Unsheltered (LOU).

Join your church family for worship, food, fellowship, and service!